yep..sebulan je lagi. sebulan lagi abes la cuti sem. dh dekat 100 hari para mahasiswa/i bercuti. tp bukan semua 'cuti'. ade yg x cuti langsung. abes 1 program, program laen nyusul. such as: start cuti bz ngan NRIC. in between nric, ade PIMPIN SISWA LANJUTAN. then abes nric sambung ngan CONVEX. pastu bukak sem terus ngan PPSL...abes ppsl ade PIMPIN SISWA pulak. out of 5 program yg aku capital kan kat sini, aku baru join nric ngan pimpin siswa lanjutan je. insyaAllah next2 time nk join lagi 3. and now tgh aim for pimpin siswa. nk jadi fasi...hehee. masa 1st year dlu pegi pimpin siswa asas. early june dh pegi pimpin siswa lanjutan. so sgt lah afdal aku join jadi fasi pimpin siswa...ramai jugak kwn2 nk join jadi yg wat ag ase nk join. bila ada geng baru meriah..bukan nk kata i can't join it alone, but x fun la kalau sorang2...lagi pn bukan lama lagi nk dok kat usm terrrchenta ni. 2 tahun lagi je. oh,masa sungguh cepat berlalu...~~~
cepat2 la abes cuti. sebabnye: nk join pimpin siswa! well, pimpin siswa maybe start after convex, bulan 10 kot. ntah, aku x dpt info pasal tu lagi. just tau borang nk mintak jadi fasi/urusetia dh keluar. and borang pimpin siswa tu dh dapat dr cody. thanks dude~ hehee. join la skli okeh. bila lagi kita nk merapu meraban same2..dlu masa join pimpin siswa asas aku dh pacak niat siap2 nk jadi fasi ntok pimpin siswa. sbb mcm sgt best. walaupun mse pegi pimpin siswa tu time besday aku. and hadiah besday aku ialah bgn pukul 2 pegi night best la...dpt tgk akar yg glow in the dark. tgk alam ciptaan Allah waktu gelap2..masa hiking pn pegi time siang je..mlm2 tgk mereka2 main kad. aku x reti maen lagi time tu..esoknye pas nanges2 baru abg ipin ajar teori maen,dh tersimpang.
cepat2 la abes cuti. sebabnye: aku dh makin makin chubby. mkn fully supported by my bos + bukak posa kat umah + pagi2 sahur telan nasi then half an hour lepas tu tergolek tdo. how come x makin chubby?? dh sedia chubby maka bertambah la kechubbyan aku...huhuuu.... so kne la cepat2 abes cuti.
cepat2 la abes cuti.. sebabnye: x sabau nk makan koktel! combination besday aku n cik rumate kaklong.hehe.. MAKAN lagi....cuti aku mkn, bukak sem mkn...idup ni mmg penuh ngan word MAKAN lah...but, who cares? asal x overweight sudeh~ kaklong, make sure koktel kamu meleepppsss tau! ;)
cepat2 la abes cuti..... sebabnye: nk tau sape bakal roommate aku. well, i decided to choose a room only instead of choosing a room and a roommate. kira pasrah je la dapat sape pn as roommate. kalau bole ngam, that's good. kalau xleh ngam, no big deal. i'm used to it. chill!
cepat2 la abes cuti...sebabnye: i'm going to be a THIRD YEAR foodtech student this coming semester! :D ok, xpayah happy sgt sebab pointer x cantek pn. sila baiki pointer. and repeat that chemistry paper. oh, i hate that analysis paper.. =.=
cepat2 la abes cuti! sebabnye: i miss my friends. how are you guys? :)
cepat2 la abes cuti!!! sebabnye: eh, no more reason i guess. *wink2*
my birthday night. haha. jalan blek desa dr school after decorate lab processing. |
trip to Yakult factory. 2nd year. |
1st year. after lecture if not mistaken. waiting to have brunch at cafe bakti. |
jamuan hari raya TI. |
TI interaction day at pantai kerachut. the 1st prog masa 2nd year. |
my birthday & kak ifa. sponsored by safi,atiq & kak fasha. sooo full! XD |
we're food students. always related to food..haha.sebab tu kami semua suka makan...lalala~ :P
first year and second year done! and now, i'm waiting for third year and final year. insyaAllah 2 years more. dear friends, thank you for the memories. may the following years bring more joy and happiness to all of us.