Tuesday, 2 August 2011

happy birthday to me

Alhamdulillah. i'm 21 already.J
moga diri ini makin mature and can survive in this challenging world.
to my friends, thanks for all the wishes. really appreciate it. buktinye, msg2 + wall post kat fb x delete..hehee. 1st birthday wish, 2nd July 2011...advance sungguh kaklong ye..terima kasih kaklong! :P
taaaapiii....date yg sebetolnye dia x wish pongg.......
msg x balas (xde kedit la tu), fb deactivated.hampehs sungguh budak sengal tahap master ni.huhuu~
then tgk2 kaklong buat entry wish bday ntok sye....terharuuu...hehehe.
*ps: sye baru nk majok..walaupn kamu x pndai pujuk tp nk majok jgk..but then cancel lah sbb ade entry siap ade gambo ag...hehee*

last year celebrated my birthday with my dearest classmates..miss you guys. for the coming birthday akan celebrate di rumah maybe..sbb cuti semester.and puasa if not mistaken. tp x kire..cuti pn nti bukak sem nk celebrate jgk ngan kaklong.oh cocktail, i'm waiting! :D

and to someone out there, i'm 21 already. so nak tuntut segala janji-janji yg telah kamu taburkan pada 27 July 2011 yg lepas...jgn nk mengelat ok!huahaha~~

ps: sye syg kamu-kamu yg syg sye....hehee. J