bahan-bahan yg diperlukan ialah tepung, gula, garam, shortening, bread improver, telur, yeast, susu tepung and air.
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bahan x cukup ag nih.... | lah hasilnye.....
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gambar full ade kat lab partner la pulak... =.=' |
then dh settle wat texture, colour and sensory test, GA mntk tolong dia get ready bahan-bahan ntuk shooting for documentation division. memandangkan malam ni punya class dh cancel, maka tolong pn no hal lah.. :) takat nk timbang-timbang, blakon macam dok buat lab, no problemo lah. hehee..
pastu GA ckp mau buat apple pie. macam best je wat apple pie dlm lab. kat umah pn x pnah try nk wat dlm lab nih..hehe. but i just help him with few things mcm potong buah, kacau2 apple, tolong tgk dia fold and isi filling bagai and paling penting, aku la tukang habeskan..hahaha.
firstly, potong buah apple. kitorang guna apple ijau sbb lecturer kasi apple ijau. 4 biji je.. around 250g asenye. but if u wanna do at home, do get more apples cz 4 biji ni actually x cukup. potong apple jadi cube or nipis-nipis. kalau rajen and nk sedap lagi, buang kulit apple tu. because the cooking process will be much faster if the kulit is removed. tadi x removed, so lambat la sikit part masak apple tu. kejap ag msok part masak. and kalau kulit x remove, nti masa makan akan terasa la kulit apple tu. kalau potong apple tu cube2 lagi cantek.
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masak terus macam ni dlm periuk...ijauuuu~ |
next, cook the apple. boh sikit je minyak dlm periuk. then put all the apples inside and cooke it till the colour of the apples turn to brownish..time masak ni, the juice from the apple will come out. to make it easier for the juice to come out, remove the kulit. sbb tu la kata nti cepat sikit masa nk masak. kena tunggu sampai apples tu layu, kecut and very the lembik and also brown.
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very the brown and very the lembik already. |
lepas tu, lepas tu..mix kan corn starch dgn serbuk cinnamon, marjerin and gula. pastu gaul skli ngan apples yg dh lembik nih. kejap je gaul-gaul bg sebati then tutup api, angkat periuk.
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dh siap add on sugar, cinnamon powder and marjerin. |
actually sampai je kat step ni, dh tgk pastry ntok pie ni dh siap. bila la GA ni buat...x sempat tgk pn..huhu.

pastu isikan apples yg baru diangkat dr api tdi.
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penuhkan pastry dgn pie filling. |
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then amek top layer pastry utk tutup pie. |
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tutup penuh2 rapat2....then masok oven! |
tp lama jugak la dlm oven ni..smpai aku xtau nk kemas and basuh perkakas ape ag dlm lab tu. sedap jugak..walaupun buat x ikut sukatan, pakai hentam je. but if next time nk buat, kne kurangkan cinnamon powder sbb the smell and taste of the cinnamon powder stronger than apple. dh macam cinnamon apple pie pulak..huhu. tp x kisah lah. 1st try. shouldn't expect everything 1st trial to be perfect. :)
thanks Mr.GA for the whole day 11.00 am to 6.30pm in processing lab today! enjoy tp penat. tp x ngape. new experience. :)
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