Sunday, 29 January 2012

penang hill again

*direct translation of BUKIT BENDERA*
bunyi macam pelik je..haha

PENANG HILL 2nd time in January.
not so sejuk sebab naek mse tghari.
saje gedik nk naek ag..haha
and for ur info cik zakiah and en.supir,
actually tmpt mkn yg owl2 tu dh bukak lah.
ade ais kacang,cendol,laicikang,air nyok, dan berbagai aneka juadah lagi tau.
rugi x bercendol laicikang ais kacang aritu.. :(
tp, our outing last time was the best.

Friday, 27 January 2012


kenyang. mata dah layu. tp xleh tdo ag sebab sgt kenyang. memang la terbaek 12.38am baru tiba di kedai makan. ni gara-gara roti john marvellous (xreti eja harap maklum) tu tutup. kesian akak, sampai je perda terus ckp nk mkn roti john. tp dh tutup pulak pas jalan tgk2 barang xde tujuan. and kimi suggested mkn chicken chop kat teluk air tawar itu. oh, tgh malam supper chicken chop menarik jugak kn? and my dear abg ipar agreed..haha. beliau mmg suka makan.

terasa macam ramai aje kat umah. sebab akak and husband dia blek. maklong and paklong pn blek. kalau ade family kakna and kaksu, complete, dah jdi ala-ala raya dah. bila ramai2 dah dok jauh, sekali sume blek ase mcm best pulak. akak dh move to melaka, kimi study subang, aku pulak bakal ke pj. pasni umah kosong blek. and tunggu raya la baru nk penuh.

FAMILY. macam mana punya gadoh pn, family tetap family. FRIENDS, macam mana punya rapat pn, once u can't get along with him/her, then u're done. kau diam,aku diam. and the friendship will hanging, and what u could do is, try to fix whatever the misunderstanding things, or let it go. this situation is killing me. thats why i'm trying not to get attach to people called friend. but i just can't. bila aku dah sayang, dah percaya, jangan sampai aku benci. once i say i hate u, fullstop. forever i will hate u. and if i say i love u, u will always be my priority. x kisah la aku susah macam mana pun, i'll do whatever i can to help u out.

enough with the merapu-ing. tomorrow kene teman kimi pegi seberang jaya. 20 days left before i leave penang. USM and segala isinya, i know i will miss u.

oh, xde kaitan.
i think it is cool.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

voucher RM200 kerajaan bagi dah selesai~~

selesaii sudah RM200.
Popular Megamall Penang.
tapi x ngam2 RM200..kene add RM2.20.
tapi kira ok la tu..hehe.
maaaaaaaaaaacam2 ada.
yg penting, stationeries byk. note book xde. huhu~
and 2 ekor tikus kembar.
kimi sebok nk jugak tikus ekor buleh tarik2.
2nd cover dia pink,sebab tu je yg tinggal.hahahhaa.
aku punye tikus putih berseri..hehe.

RM200 tu mcm sgt cepat je abes.
skli pakai je dh settle.
well,kalau bg voucher RM500 pn mmg akan habes.
at least aku beli bnda yg berguna.
novel? comic? nope.
x berbaloi.
sekali baca then simpan letak kat shelf je watpe.
baek aku beli bnda yg akan guna hari2 macam tikus nih.
and also few other things yg berguna bg aku.

thanks to rakyat Malaysia yg bayar cukai.
so that we all students got this voucher.

Monday, 23 January 2012

nothing is something

when i say i love u,
that means,
i really do.

when i say i hate u,
that means,
i really mean it.

can i erase whatever memories that i don't want?
can i frame all my fav moments?

i miss u, already.

and oh dear friend,
i'm glad that u look up for me when u're upset.
i'm sorry i don't have bombastic words to cool u down.
but at least, i can make u smile.
am i right?
and please, don't be sad anymore.
don't cry anymore.
and remember that i'll always be here for u.
be strong my dear friend. :)

i can't see ur eyes, they are too small. but i know something is wrong with u.
and sorry, i can't hug u..hehe.
please smile dear friend, ur smiles, they're lovely.
please replace the word best friend to kaklong.
this is for u. :)

Saturday, 21 January 2012

......................good bye..................

the hardest thing to do is to choose.

that was few months ago.


my hardest thing to do is to say GOOD BYE

yes, its hard.

really hard.

good bye dear friends...
thanks for all the memories we had.

good bye dear classmates...
see you guys in few months.

good bye dear brother....
thanks a lot for everything,
ur attention especially.

and good bye dear 2nd roommates,
both of u are the best ever.

good bye perikians,
the memories will always be with me.

good bye KRUs....
for the great experience together.

till we meet again.

with love,

Thursday, 19 January 2012

second donut doting

the most and most and very the most seronok punye donut doting i had.
and also the first act-like-tourist-day-with tour guide.
the best one. :)

usm-taman tun sardon-penang hill-rumah p.ramlee-1st avenue-gurney-pantai depan gurney paragon-usm

what a GREAT day!

thanks dear cik zakiah and en.supir.

thanks for the smiles and laughter.

and the lots of kesengalan.

thats the most important one. hehe..

so-like-tourist yg x pandai tgk peta...hahaha

cable car yg dah cantek.. tu pun kiah takot..haha

at last, orang penang ni sampai jugak ke penang hill setelah sekian lama dahulu.
train dah lajuuuu....hehee

excited dah nk sampai.

yeay! nama dah ada dlm log book sini..lalala~

tourist punye lunch @ gurney. 1st avenue mcm xde yg menarik. thanks en.supir for your suggestion..hehe

donut doting at tepi pantai depan gurney paragon kalau x silap.
the same spot as the first donut doting.
en.supir, me and kiah.

end of act-like-tourists-day for almost 7 hours.
next time kita ber-seoul-donut-doting pulak okeh!
till we meet again. :)

its thursday.
and its 5pm.
i hate this feelings.
i'll just run away,
when i feel like i can't hold it anymore.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


final exam, DONE!!!
officially ended at 10 am.
*padahal exam 9am-12pm. bajet hebat kuar dewan exam awal..hahahaha.*
Alhamdulillah, finished my 5th sem.
and dear final exam, we'll see each other next year ok? :)

5th sem.
u teach me a lot.
i ate a lot.
i cried a lot.
i loved a lot.

dear guys who made me smile, cry, laugh and so much more, i'm not around next sem.
but hey, even if i'm no longer here, it doesn't mean that we'll never see each other some other time right?
the friendship will always there, if u value it and if i'm worth for u to value it.

i'm afraid to say good bye.
i'm afraid i might cry.
and if i do, please wipe my tears.
i love u.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

hari sabtu yang panjang

di sabtu pagi yg dingin, daku terbangun dek ketukan pintu yg bertalu-talu.
awal betul budak ni mai jumpak maklang dia...wuwu.
nk blek umah,mai singgah jumpak maklang dlu.
bagos2..x dpt la tdo lama2 di pagi sabtu cenggini.. T_T

budak2 farmasi mostly semua dah blek.
senior junior sume dh abes exam.
aku ni, baru settle 2 paper.
oh selasa, cepat lah tiba.....~~
dah siap plan dah activitIES after exam.
*pls take note: IES= PLURAL*

bangun pagi, pegi mandi, siap-siap pegi libry.
baca nota, highlight2, sambil makan biskut sedap..
*baca dgn rentak nyanyi lagu bgn pagi gosok gigi itu okeh..hahahah*

seludup air kotak dutch lady strawberry 1, biskut cadbury chocolate centre fill cookies plus coklat crispy besau punye masok dlm library pg tadi. pakcik yg dok kat pintu library tu nk tgk bag, so bukak la. pastu senyum sambil ckp ade nota dgn air.. :)
kire x menipu la kan sebab dia x tanya pn 'kamu ade bawak masok makanan x?biskut?susu?coklat?'
so xpayah nk rasa bersalah lah..hehee
laju-laju naek bilik perbincangan. bilik 1,2,3- FULL!
laju-laju panjat tangga pegi tgkat 3 sebab bilik perbincangan 4 kat tgkat atas.
laju-laju masok letak bag bukak lampu tp mcm xde function je lampu tu sbb x de la cerah mane tutup balik.lestari konon.
tgk-tgk ade budak pompuan mcm nk masok...'alaa,ade orang'
hahaha. actually nmpak dh depa pegi ushar jugak kat tgkat bawah tadi.
but well, depa jalan slow sgt. sape suruh.

bahagianya study sorang2 dalam bilik perbincangan yg ada belambak kusi.
ngantuk lali-lali,pegi jalan-jalan kat luar tgk buku.
eh, buku-buku food dh tukar section ke?
dh xde pn kat tempat yg salu tu. buku masak2 tu pn sume dh hilang. baru nk tgk pic makanan sedap-sedap.
masok bilik balik, belek nota. nguap.
bukak biskut..hehe.
disebabkn biskut tu sedap, ade feel blek nk study.
sejuk weh...sejukkkkk....!
kalau kat blk perbincangan 2 or 3 xde la sejuk cenggini.
kalau study kat library baru section 24 hours tu xde la sejuk camni.
tp kat section tu kang aku bukak biskut ni sume pandang pulak.
obvious sgt la pulak seludup makanan masok library.
sejuk. 4 jam dalam igloo.
brain freeze dh.

petang dh tiba.
jalan pegi tesco sebab kawan kiah nk beli susu.
and i ate waffle, share dgn kiah.
baca notes pasal flour, ade word waffle, teros bayang waffle chocolate belgium.
and dh dapat..hehe. :)
dan harini first time aku jalan kaki pegi tesco + pasar mlm sg.dua
and back to saujana pn jalan kaki.
sem lepas x terbilang.
tp disebabkan injured awal sem, mmg sampai ke sudah aku x jalan merata.
turun pegi ivory pn org amek.
untung kan injured? =.='
pastu skang dh lenguh kaki sbb dh lme x jalan byk.
padahal dekat je kot saujana dengan tesco.haih.naseb x bg nama join hiking sayam.
kalau x mmg aku get ready tisu banyak2 nk lap nanges2 tiap2 kali sebut penat.

makan,sesi berjiling,transfer cerita,konon-study-psiko dgn annur then blek blk.
but still, x study pn.
so, update blog..lalala~
mata pn dah x larat nk celik.
exam senin. tp mcm byk ag x study.

and akibat kebosanan kesaorangan di library melawan kemengantukan, maka wujud lah gambar2 seperti yg tertera di bawah...hehehe. :P

notes ditemani oleh jajan sedap.hehehe.

tgk tu chocolate filling dalam sekut ni pn dh dlm solid state. tu tandanya chocolate tu  ada di tempat yg temperature yg rendah. kalau room temperature x solid kot. sbb dulu makan sekut ni, chocolate filled inside this cookies cair. and sedap. tp solid state pn sedap. and there's a very thin layer of hard chocolate in between the chocolate and the biscuit. maka berlakulah flashback kata-kata prof karim dlm lecture Food Ingredient sem 3 dulu. oh, i love that subject. and i got good grade for that subject too..hehehe
*eat and observe. that's me, food student. :) *

ini budak malas yg kesejukan.
*ade lesung pipit jugak lah! tp sikit je...hehee*

ni budak mata sepet yg saja testing amek gambo x pakai spec.
*still can see my eyes maa...x tertutup rapat pn.hahaha*
sabtu yg panjang.
i'm done with u.
ahad, moga lebih baek dari sabtu.

ps: spending my last few days with people that i sayang.

Friday, 13 January 2012

-emoing again tonight-

13th january 2012
a week left for me to stay here.
another two papers, on monday and tuesday.
few days left to hold the notes, to revise all the topics
and to memorize everything.
but well, i'm not good in memorizing things.
just read and understand, and hopefully i can squeeze out
everything that i read during the exam.

happy examination gonna over?
happy that i'll be free from examination till early 2013?
happy that after 17th i do not need to hold any more notes?
oh, i guess i'm happy.
but deep deep inside, i'm not.

i hope things gonna be just fine.
and i'll just go with the flow.
smoothly, i hope.
and soon, we'll be far apart.
u know that i'm going to miss u right?
and i know u will miss me too.
and if u do not, please do so.

the memories we captured, i don't need to print them out,
because they will always be in my mind.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

oh second paper dah settle~~

IEK - done!
kepala pn dah pusing.
mata layu dan kuyu.

no more engineering subject after this hopefully.
2 more papers to go then i wanna have fun and enjoy!
17th till 20th- fully booked! hahaha~~

few days left before midterm break.

moga hari-hari mendatang baek-baek aja.

Saturday, 7 January 2012


hi people!
do u know what is the relationship between SLEEP and EAT?

maybe like this:

this is the relationship of EAT and SLEEP for most people.

eat MORE, sleep MORE.

but for me, my SLEEP vs EAT graph is like this:

SLEEP is to what EAT huh??

sleep LESS when i eat MORE.

- i'm chubby enough, no sleep after a meal.
- its a waste is if sleep after i eat because when i wake up, i will be as starve as a horse. =.=
or in simple word, i'll get hungry again.
- so i need to eat again. and all the fats and calories will forever with me.
- need to burn those fats and calories!

enough. no sleep, still full, go and study.


ps: graph kaklong ialah graph yg pertama.hehee. :P
pps: teringat zaman blaja addmaths. miss that addmaths things. relationship graph pn dh lupa. but now kne pegi blaja HEAT TRANSFER. =.="

Friday, 6 January 2012

first day of exam

today, my 1st exam.
3 jam dlm DUP C yg sejuk, sejuk mcm igloo. library pn sama, even blk study 24 hours yg buleh adjust2 temperature pn sejuk. amende la set aircond sejuk2 sgt? nk nulih pn susah...tgn beku. wuwu~

pagi tadi, mimpi something not nice bout my grandma. terus x sedap hati. exam 9am till 12pm. pas mkn terus decide ntok blek umah. maka kul3 tepat dh terpacak depan umah..hehee. untung gak umah dekat. kejap je dh sampai...tu pn kalau dgn keta la..kalau ngan bus mau 3 jam jugak baru sampai..wuwu again~

bergoogle-google menengok recipe dessert. macam menarik pulak puding nih. cantik. teringin nk buat. hopefully puding tu wujud lah in few hours. haha.

next paper: 10th Jan 2012. Heat Transfer.
ntah bape byk heat la aku nk transfer time exam nti...huuuu~


ps: berdemo lah semua org. aku nk study, walaupun aku salu mls study.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

2 days before final

yep, today is tuesday. my final is on thursday. so lebih kurang dua hari before nk final. but guess what? arini x study melainkan few minutes tgk nota masa kat jpj tdi. sebab x study ialah, pegi jpj dan melangut dlm tu more than 2 hours just to renew lesen dari ade huruf P jadi xde yg prosesnye hanyalah 2 minutes. WAITED FOR TWO HOURS JUST FOR TWO MINUTES punya kerja menggunting gambo passport sekeping, memprint kertas kecik itu dan melaminate benda alah tu. and i spent RM45 just for that license. tp WORTH sebab expiry date for the license is 2/8/2013. almost two years. ok la, kurang 4 bulan nk 2 taun. tunggu 170 giliran tau sebabkn lesen ni. FIRST time dlm hidup need to wait for two hours, 170 giliran. benci. nk tdo xleh, xde feel nk tdo. lagi pn kiah tdo memandangkan beliau hanya tdo sejam lebih sebab lepas subuh baru dia tdo and bgn pukul 9 sebab kononnye nk kuar 9.30 but i woke up at 9.38 lepas kiah call. bangun gila terkejut. wuuu~

then jalan-jalan kat BJ beli my fav honey green tea+pearl kat COOL BLOG and then pusing-pusing cari jajan dlm mydin padahal beli kacang sepeket+honey sunflower seeds (yg dh siap kopek okeh, baru feel makan.hahaha) and also nano white yg confirm x silap beli dah. last week silap beli masa kat tesco. benci. aku dah la x pandai pakai day cream bagai. nk beli moisturizer tp tersilap pulak jdi day cream. hari2 tempek benda alah tu pn aku x igt nama dia Cell Moist ape tah. wuwuuu~

petang yg sihat. bertampar-tampar bola di court bola tampar. oh, ema,maklang dah mai ptg nih. hehee. sampai je lepak surau jap solat asar then terus masok court mcm dh pro padahal that was my 1st time jejak kaki kat court bola tampar. mmg terbaek lah. x reti tampar so aku hentam je. and i was the one yg tamatkn game dgn bg pihak lawan menang. huahahaa~ ngek. lain kali try dlu luar court,blaja nk serve and few peraturan. ni dak, pegi laju2 masok court then dh settle kalahkn team sniri baru pegi blaja sampai sakit tgn. and poor kiah, urat tgn dia macam lari saje. dia nk kejar x larat sebab berat sgt. haha. :P

balik makan. pastu solat. and now dh macam lali2 penat. but i can't sleep..if not, when i wake up, i'll be hungry again. and i only have jajans and 2 keping biskut oreo.

study time bebeh. nk exam dah nihhhh!

ps: kiah, xdpt upload gambo sebab laptop wat hal.hampagas btol. nti dh dpt upload, kite boh dlm pendrive kasi awak eh. awak kn dh deactivate fb. :P
pps: terima kasih teman kite arini..hehee. *wink*

Monday, 2 January 2012

plain. and ordinary.

i'm just a plain girl.
a girl who wears mostly USM's t-shirts everyday to class.
with a jeans and sandal.
a plain tudung.
or maybe sometimes a pashmina.
but still, a plain girl.
a very plain and ordinary girl.

latest style?
oh, i never bother bout them.
i wake up, take my bath, get a shirt and tudung to wear, and i'm done.
*tp skang dh pandai tempek moisturizer since my skin is soooo kering till ngelupas2. and tempeking moisturizer is so geli.*

baju kurung?
errr..once in a while.
or to be exact, not yet reach ten times this semester.
oh, i walk a bit fast and its not comfortable to wear baju kurung and walk laju-laju.
and baju kurung should come with a pair of heels or wedges. not a casual sandal...huu~
*dah 12 weeks x pakai wedges or heels. ni sume gara-gara tragedi di tasik perik...wuwu~*

i don't mind being plain.
i'm used to it.
plain but not pale.
i hate pale colours.
bright colours?
oh,thats me.

oh,ini xde kaitan. saje nk tayang pashmina baru. lalala~~


soooooooo true..~

2012. please be good to me. =)

Sunday, 1 January 2012


byk kisah happy, sedih, marah, geram, sebak, touching and sebagainya dalam 2011.

moga 2012 lebih bersinar dan bahagia.

and lebih kuat to face this life.

*sedih,sem dpn xde kat usm. T_T*