Friday, 13 January 2012

-emoing again tonight-

13th january 2012
a week left for me to stay here.
another two papers, on monday and tuesday.
few days left to hold the notes, to revise all the topics
and to memorize everything.
but well, i'm not good in memorizing things.
just read and understand, and hopefully i can squeeze out
everything that i read during the exam.

happy examination gonna over?
happy that i'll be free from examination till early 2013?
happy that after 17th i do not need to hold any more notes?
oh, i guess i'm happy.
but deep deep inside, i'm not.

i hope things gonna be just fine.
and i'll just go with the flow.
smoothly, i hope.
and soon, we'll be far apart.
u know that i'm going to miss u right?
and i know u will miss me too.
and if u do not, please do so.

the memories we captured, i don't need to print them out,
because they will always be in my mind.


  1. ala ala janganlah rindu kite janganlah rindulah malu kite ;p

  2. elmar haikaz: janganlah rindulah? which one u want ni? :P

    laksamana sparrow: terharu?dh nanges eh? :P

  3. aha! sila pilihan jawapan berikut;

    (a) jangan rindu
    (b) rindu, tapi janganlah
    (c) rindulah
    (d) jangan, rindulah
    (e) datang bilik bawak makanan. sekian

  4. macam ada six sense plak sebab x tgk comment tp terus pilih jawapan e.
    moga soalan psiko senang macam ni..haha

  5. fuiyo fuiyooo
    anda hebat!
    100 markah untuk anda!
    anda mmg psycho! maksud sye, psikik! haha

  6. xnk nanges la...ngn adek je pn...

  7. kiah: psiko tu kamu..hahahahhaa.
    100 markah je? kedekut. :P

    abg halif: hoo...abes tu ngan sape je ble nanges?

  8. haha..abg2 xleh nanges sbb adek2 kuat nanges eh? :P

  9. hehe..itu lah yg seharusnya. :)

  10. eh eh..xde xde. mne de manja2.. :P

  11. manje je tgk~~mentang2 dapat abg caring ea?

  12. ups..mnje eh?igt dgn kiah je mnje...huhu.
    abg caring ek? :P

  13. saje..hehee. nk tau ke caring ke x? :P
