i stayed in usm for few days, starting from thursday evening till monday evening.
then, i'll spend my last few days in penang at home. then will go to pj for practical.
already bought the bus ticket. thanks to abah for the money for bus ticket.. :)
saturday, 12.15 am, eagle. not the double story of course.
oh, for the 5 days and 4 nights at usm, a thousand thanks to zakiah ramle especially because bg lepak bilik dia at M04. naseb baek no roommate. kalau x mesti kurang best melainkn roommate dia ialah cik rumate yg sangat sengal itu. haha.
this is the view from the room.
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can u see? tinggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nye rasa. padahal baru 5th floor. |
the view is nice but i love M03 more lah. although i can only see cars and bikes, but who cares. the internet and phone lines are awesome. haha.
setibanya di usm di petang kames, as what i already updated in this entry, the room will stay like that till 17th february because the bilik tv at M03 is locked. kasihan dear zakiah. no toto for the next two weeks. and also no baju yang banyak, no kain telekung (she has the upper part only, the telekung).
this is charlie. a very small insect but don't judge an insect by its size. benda alah ni kuarkan bisa yg sgt berbisa. once terkena dia punya bisa, kulit mcm terbakar. and of course pedih, gatal and geram nk garu-garu je. and finally berparut. dah 4x aku kena dgn benda alah ni. benci.
cali ni merata-rata wujud. kat umah, kmpp, usm pn ada. tp dlu kat M03 x pnah tgk pn. ni kat M04 je blambak. maen jalan-jalan bersiar-siar kat atas tilam aku pulak tu. mmg siap la kena salotape. haha. dah bersemadi kat bwh salotape tu..huu~
malam berjilingan..hehe. or also known as dendan/jaling/tocang. only kiah call it tocang. i did 12 jilingans to kiah. from a small one till not so besar punya dendan. and i'm getting terror doing it..haha. but kiah can't do it well because of her sweaty hands. later2 u beli gloves kat daiso tu ye. comel gloves tu. RM5 saje..hehe. practice the dendaning while i'm away for practical. practice lah dgn cik rumate or annur or silah ek..hehe. and congrats u did a good pony tail! anaks u x pyh boy cut lah gini..hehehe :P
all the jalan sampai penat balik dgn cab dari queensbay, makan makan makan yg banyak , the tako tao yg sedap, ceroboh M03 (because now PJJ lelaki yg stay kat M03) nk amek barang kiah tp blk tv kunci, the gee baby dinner, kuaci, jiling2 and last but not least, the looooooong hours of goleking in the room. and not to forget, the chicken soup for the soul. for all of that, THANK YOU so much. :)
dear kaklong, jangan nk insomnia sangat sem dpn. thats ur final sem. make it a REAL final. so that i can see u and en.supir masa konvo nanti. bunga? err..tgk lah pt dh masok ke blom..haha. makan makan makan baek2. jgn rindu jajan2 sye sgt..hehe. take care of my fav mug. but its urs now.. :) i'll take good care of myself, and jaga my pp supaya x buyat sangat nti u x kenal pulak. :P and finally, i beat ur fruit slice's high score already! maen atas feri tadi dgn gigihnye..871 tau..beat me beat me! haha. nti maen guna phone annur the tell me if u can get a higher score..hahahaha. i'll work hard! :P
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kalau soh nanex jaga hg, mst dia jawab: dia dh besar, pandai jaga diri. tp nanex, sila jaga kiah ok. :) |
oh, en.supir. i know he'll take care of u. and bawak u pegi jalan2 makan2 bg buyat2 ag. kan? haha. jgn jalan salu2 sgt, nti i jealous. T_T |
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As we go on, we remember All the times we had together And as our lives change Come whatever We will still be, friends forever -quote by zakiah ramle- |
duduk M04 baek2 ye..ditemani cicaks, semuts and charlies. till we meet again. sincerely love u.
aww touching ah gni touching ah
ReplyDelete*sambil kesat hingus
U dah balik I lepak bilik annur, cik rumate pun blk kampung. sobsss
bencii cicaks! banyak gile! grr~
from the bottom of my i-xlayan-jiwang heart, sayang u jugak! oke lepas ni tak cakap dah sebab I allergic jiwang2 neh, rase mcm kene renjatan.
Supir and I will tke cre of each other while u r away :) haha
memang bole komen macam update blog. ehe. okebyeee jepun!
take care of each other? ehem. hahahaha.