today is my 10th day at Secret Recipe Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd.
and today, finally i got a slice of free cake.
classic cheese cake.
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curik pic kat google image je..hahaha |
most of the names of the cakes dah tersemat dlm kepala.
berrrrlambak sgt cakes nk kne tau nama.
and jgn harap buleh tau nama kek tu kalau takat nk tgk pic cari kat google tu.
sbb most of the cakes blom ade topping. so a bit different from the pic. cheese cakes pn still dalam tin tu. so nmpk kat atas je. sekali tgk yogurt cheese dgn durian cheese, mmg sebijik. naseb la durian tu ade bau yg sgt kuat. even dah dok seminggu dalam cold room yg temperature -ve degree pn still ade bau. camne la bau durian ni ble jdi kuat sgt..haih. nk kne study nih. *berangan je laaa~ *
skang dh aim creme brulee. nk try sbb the workers said sedap and sbb my nick name kat loading department tu 'creme brulee'. one of the worker mmg ske kasi nick name kat budak practical. yg budak practical dr uitm, baru je last day semalam, dpt nick name white chocolate macadamia. sbb dia putih kot..
oh PTPTN, cepat la masok.....~~~ *walaupun dah tau sabtu ni masok*
yuran still kne tolak..haih. and the elaun, lambat ag nk dapat.
selamat berjimat buat diri sendiri.
seronok la dier~
ReplyDeletehehee..dok tunggu next cake pulak. :P
ReplyDeleteuntungla~ york cheese pulak msok perut. :))