Thursday, 31 May 2012

hati berbunga-bunga lalala :)


this time, my update will full with smilessssssssssssssssssss because i am extremely happy.

i'm happy because i spent less than two days with my sayaanggggsssss. petang senin lepas keje kimi amek direct pegi LRT kelana jaya yg kalau aku jalan kaki 15min je tp budak kecik tu x kasi sbb katanya jauh. bahaya jln sorang2. okeh, aku mmg x biasa jln kaki sorang2 kn? gerrrrr... then budak kecik itu teman pegi pudu. sebab amek bus di sana. lepas dh tengok aku naek bus baru dia berangkat blek. itu lah adek aku yg act like bodyguard. =.='

pabila duduk dlm bus, selimut dgn cardigan, jatuhkan kerusi, maka tutup lah mata..lalala~~ tdo jage lelap celik lelap blek sedar ujan2 pastu dgr bunyi "sg.nibong sg.nibong". mak aiii...dh smpai sg,nibong? dh terlepas butterworth ke ni? but naseb baek sbnrnye bus tu msok sg.nibong dlu then baru pegi butterworth..ffuhhhh~~

tepat jam 1.19am, aku jejak kaki ke bumi penang...hehehee. tunggu abah mai amek. pastu pegi makan..hahahaha. pagi2 buta mencekik chicken chop kat kdai Aidy's. but the chicken a bit different lah. haih. telan saje.

blackpepper chicken chop yg masok perut pada jam 2 pagi. terbaek punye~~
sampai umah dah dekat 3am. golek2 tdo sampai pagi. bgn pg x gosok gg x basuh muka tros salam peluk mama and tok..hehehe. spent time at home till 4pm then pegi USM. so ade kat umah about 14 hours saje. but worth it. :)

USM!!! :)
'iqen, kenapa ada kat sini?' berkata zakiah ramle dgn muka blurr and dok tenyeh2 mata. hahahhhaa.

i met people that i love. i had a terrible interview but its ok. kalau ade rezeki, ade la. yg penting dpt jumpak budak2 yg buat aku senyum sepanjang ade kat usm. and sorry lah, not perfect timing sebab datang mase korang nk test. wuwuu. but still layan aku sampai nk pegi test. sorry again sbb x dpt salam2 b4 blek kl. demand nk makan burger khaleel dh dapat, siap ade org blanje ag..hehe. makaseh nemok!

we'll see each other in less than a month insyaAllah. :) please take care and do well in final exam, final semester, final year. i love u guys. and oh, 17 hours at usm, worth. :))

Friday, 25 May 2012

feeling excited is so so so good!


i'm in a very good mood today. since the time i woke up *oh,woke up early and cook for lunch.rajen kan?haha* mandi dgn rilek2, siap2 dgn rilek2, pegi keje dgn senyuman. hahahaha. i like. :D

feels so so so EXCITED. and my excited-ness akan berterusan till the time comes..hehe. each time i think about that, i'll smile. and macam-macam planning dok generate dlm kepala nih..hahahhaa

oh time, please flies faster. i can't wait anymore.
and, when that time comes, please pause for a while.

i miss home and i miss USM so much.


a person that contra with me clearly.


a person with too much similarities. and few differences.

i like both. haha.
LIKE is two different meaning. :)

Saturday, 19 May 2012

attention to nemok

dear nemok,

i cari u kat fb tp ckp page not found kot. u pegi mane? i tau la u bz ngan thesis. pon penting..huahahha. x ngape, kita connect thru blog. hehe. actually, i think i'm going back to penang on 23rd june, insyaAllah. and maybe will go to usm on 25th. i'll come back here on 29th because i wanna attend my future roommate's engagement on 30th. the main question here is, free x 25th till 29th? kalau x free, i bawak diri lahhhh...sobsssss~~~

and then i will spend my cuti sem over here. :)

ps: kite rase macam kite rindu awak lah. x puas sembang mlm tu sebab abg ngah ngaco. maap ye. macam nk call lame2 tp takot kacau kamu nk buat thesis. lately ni kan kamu busy ngan thesis sampai password fb pon kne kasi kat org laen kan.... :P

pps: jage diri nemok. makan byk2. tadi kite mkn cake almost 3 slices. huahahhahaa~

menyesal pon x guna

jangan ckp KALAU. dolu2 ustaz ckp, bila kita ckp KALAU, means kita x redha dgn ketentuan takdir Allah. and yes, aku dh ckp KALAU tdi. byk kali sgt sebab aku menyesal yg amat.

menyesal sebab ajak.
menyesal sebab ajak.
menyesal sgt sebab ajak.

segala yg terjadi ade hikmahnye.
and i think that we're getting closer day by day.

menyesal pon x guna. sebab benda nk jadi. and u said this is the first time u did not get mad over this thing. maybe that is one of the hikmah.
tahap kesabaran makin tinggi.

kalau aku x sayang, xde nye aku nk isau. remember that.

i decided not to stay. and there's no turning back.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

i am cengeng.

its too hard to lie bout ur feelings to people that u love.

yeah, damn true.

especially me.
its so hard for me to hold back. and say " I'm doing great here, I'm fine."
with just a single Hello, then my tears started to fall.

i am cengeng.
cengeng is kuat nangis.

dear my loves,
i wanna hear your voice.
i wanna laugh with you.
i'm afraid i'll end up crying.
i miss you.

ps: u called me while i'm typing this. perfect timing lah abang. thank you. :)

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

US at USJ. :)

weekend yg seronok. dari cuti sabtu je, aku lajak sampai ahad.
naseb baek ade cuti extra labour day tu x replace ag.
maka, gamble saje cuti.
makan sedap2, jalan2 kat jalan ade tar..hehe. and sogo yg sesak.
summit yg macam bj, xde mende yg berkenan di hati.
tp seronok sbb jalan2 dgn org yg aku sayang. :)
and oh, lepak kat blk kak ifa yg ade tilam besau spring2 dlm blk aircond sambil on9..kat blk sniri lepak atas toto beli kat mydin berteman kipas pusing zura. huuu~

even sekejap, tp berharga.
even penat, tp seronok.

july, i'm waiting for you.
segala plan dah berubah.
well, people change. everything can change.
that is life.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

tujuh dan lapan lagi.


first thing to say, my practical ade lagi 7 weeks. meaning, 8 weeks lagi nk balik penang.

i miss penang.
i miss mama.
pagi tadi before bangun subuh, mimpi baca paper. ade berita pasal sorang ibu buat ape tah demi anak dia. so aku tingat kat mama. nanges terus dlm mimpi. but then terjaga alarm bunyi, ade air pulak kat mata ni. nanges dalam mimpi mmg air mata pn mengalir keluar jugak ek?

but i don't tell her that i miss her.

i texted her every single day i'm here. sebab kalau x text dah sampai kilang or dah balik umah, she'll text me and ask where am i. ade 1 petang tu x igt nk msg sbb kalut nk pegi toilet. and then about 9pm she texted me this: 'ikin tdo kilang ke mlm ni?'  =.=

dok sini aku asyik shopping je. agak-agak boring, ajak kimi pegi curve, pegi ou, pegi tesco, mydin, summit bagai. paling koman pn pegi lepak uptown. well, i have my brother here to take care of me. he's my brother, he's my friend. duet dh makin kurangggggg....... camne nk beli bunga kiah ngan abg nk grad nih? haha.

nk kuar mkn ngan kimi. and bg balik broadband dia. maka no on9 lah. okbai.