this time, my update will full with smilessssssssssssssssssss because i am extremely happy.
i'm happy because i spent less than two days with my sayaanggggsssss. petang senin lepas keje kimi amek direct pegi LRT kelana jaya yg kalau aku jalan kaki 15min je tp budak kecik tu x kasi sbb katanya jauh. bahaya jln sorang2. okeh, aku mmg x biasa jln kaki sorang2 kn? gerrrrr... then budak kecik itu teman pegi pudu. sebab amek bus di sana. lepas dh tengok aku naek bus baru dia berangkat blek. itu lah adek aku yg act like bodyguard. =.='
pabila duduk dlm bus, selimut dgn cardigan, jatuhkan kerusi, maka tutup lah mata..lalala~~ tdo jage lelap celik lelap blek sedar ujan2 pastu dgr bunyi "sg.nibong sg.nibong". mak aiii...dh smpai sg,nibong? dh terlepas butterworth ke ni? but naseb baek sbnrnye bus tu msok sg.nibong dlu then baru pegi butterworth..ffuhhhh~~
tepat jam 1.19am, aku jejak kaki ke bumi penang...hehehee. tunggu abah mai amek. pastu pegi makan..hahahaha. pagi2 buta mencekik chicken chop kat kdai Aidy's. but the chicken a bit different lah. haih. telan saje.
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blackpepper chicken chop yg masok perut pada jam 2 pagi. terbaek punye~~ |
USM!!! :)
'iqen, kenapa ada kat sini?' berkata zakiah ramle dgn muka blurr and dok tenyeh2 mata. hahahhhaa.
i met people that i love. i had a terrible interview but its ok. kalau ade rezeki, ade la. yg penting dpt jumpak budak2 yg buat aku senyum sepanjang ade kat usm. and sorry lah, not perfect timing sebab datang mase korang nk test. wuwuu. but still layan aku sampai nk pegi test. sorry again sbb x dpt salam2 b4 blek kl. demand nk makan burger khaleel dh dapat, siap ade org blanje ag..hehe. makaseh nemok!
we'll see each other in less than a month insyaAllah. :) please take care and do well in final exam, final semester, final year. i love u guys. and oh, 17 hours at usm, worth. :))
bebeh, when you left the other day and as I was returning to my room, for some reasons I was already expecting the note you wrote. It's just sooo not you to just leave like that, and when I found the note I said to myself "I noe she'll leave something like this". Thank you for the jajans! and the note. Thank you for coming! :)
ReplyDeletethe least i can do. :) ur paper, ur pen and ur highlight. hehee. :P
ReplyDeletebout the jajans, thats ur buyatt. she always bring along jajans right? i kept that oreo for weeks already. sbb tu dh penyet2..hehe. thank you to you guys too! :D