it's Friday, the great day of the week.
but for me, today is not a good day for me.
started with not-a-good-dream.
then a-moody-friend.
and then the bad atmosphere turn me into moody state.
not moody that makes me marah2 everybody around me,
but makes me gloomy all day long.
i have no mood to do anything.
no mood to do lab work.
no mood to eat.
and i can't even sleep!
i took an hour plus plus to fall asleep.
and end up having not-a-good-dream again.
supir was in my dream.
telling me to take the route to surau.
and then i drove soooo laju that i stopped suddenly when i saw a pusing-pusing punya jalan heading to multi-level parking.
then my phone vibrates.
need to wake up.
had a promise to meet supir.
maybe that's why he's in my dream.
after few hours laughing.
then my gloomy day continue as i dropped supir, and heading back to usm.
saturday, please let me smile.
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