Thursday 10 November 2011

i'm a lurus bendul and lampi person

it's doubt about that. i really am a lurus bendul and so so so lampi person. that's why selalu kena tipu or dgn bahasa yg lebih sedap is dikenakan dan terkena. sometimes i'll accept what people around me (in specific: my friends) say with no doubt. a friend will not lie to a friend. obviously, i should have no doubt in what my friends told me.

taaaaaaaaaaaaaapi.. skang ni asyik kena tipu or asyik dikenakan je. sekali dua ok lah. but if a person keep telling lies, will u trust him/her over and over again? oh, please. once i found out that u're lying on my face, and u're enjoying doing that.. then it's over. u will gain no more trust from me from that time onwards. arasso? but if u're just joking, ok then. i'll laugh and say "nk buat mcm mana, lurus la pulak..hihi"

being a lampi person is not that bad. sometimes ada benda yg x perlu pun kita amek tau. so just leave it there. sape suruh cakap mau belit-belit, berkias bagai. i'm a straight-forward person. so whatever u wanna tell me, make it straight and brief. kalau lelaki or girls semua nk yg straight, xnk yg mak nyah pondan pengkit bagai tapi ckp nk pusing merata.. *sigh*

yg penting sekali jgn la nipu benda-benda yg org akan rasa that u're very the very annoying. keep that in mind.

and kalau x suka, ckp x suka. kau igt kau hot sgt semua org nk puja-puji kau? eh, kau manusia, aku pun manusia. kau ade hati, aku pun ade. jgn igt semua org boleh ikut telunjuk kau saje. Allah bg akal, guna. pandai-pandai la nk hidup..ok bai.


  1. tapi awak, kite xtipu2 pun awak. kalau awak tanye kite jwp betul2 taw2. hee

  2. kite tauu..berani awk tipu2 kite,kte kidnap ulat baru tauuu... :P
