Friday 2 December 2011

week 8

status fb silap. bukan week 9 tp baru week 8.
2 months to recover.
walaupun x kembali mcm dulu,
at least x teruk.
ade 1 line kemerah-merahan je.
nanti ok la bila kulit baru develop.
*x payah nk tolak seribu lah..hehe*

moga segalanya selamat.
moga dapat kaut berjuta pengalaman.
rugi kalau hidup ni buat benda yg sama je.
alih-alih ngadap laptop, tgk buku,
shopping, tgk wayang.
once in a while,
try something different.
then u'll know it.
the feelings doing those things,
having fun with friends,
treasure the world.
it worth.
believe me.

ps: too much to keep deep inside. don't let it out. please.

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